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The following namespaces allow you to safely access processor symbols or variables.


This is actually an enum that serves the same purpose as the other namespaces. Gives you direct access to symbols such as @ctrlPlayer, @ctrlProcessor and @ctrlFormation.

  • ctrlPlayer
  • ctrlProcessor
  • ctrlFormation


Allows you to access processor variables.

  • this - The current processor.
  • thisx - The x coordinates of this processor.
  • thisy - The y coordinates of this processor.
  • mapw - The width of the map.
  • maph - The height of the map.
  • links - The number of blocks linked to this processor.
  • ipt - The amount of instructions run per second
  • unit - The unit currently bound to this processor.
  • itemCount - Total amount of items existent, can be used to check if an item ID is valid
  • liquidCount - Total amount of liquids existent, can be used to check if a liquid ID is valid
  • unitCount - Total amount of units existent, can be used to check if an unit ID is valid
  • blockCount - Total amount of blocks existent, can be used to check if a block ID is valid
  • tick - The amount of ticks that happened since the map started
  • time - The current UNIX timestamp in milliseconds
  • second - The amount of seconds that passed since the map started
  • minute - The amount of minutes that passed since the map started
  • waveNumber - The number of the current wave, starts at 1;
  • waveTime - The amount of seconds left before the next wave


Contais the base game teams

  • derelict
  • sharded
  • crux
  • malis
  • green
  • blue


Contains all items available

  • copper
  • lead
  • metaglass
  • graphite
  • sand
  • coal
  • titanium
  • thorium
  • scrap
  • silicon
  • plastanium
  • phaseFabric
  • surgeAlloy
  • sporePod
  • blastCompound
  • pyratite
  • beryllium
  • tungsten
  • oxide
  • carbide
  • fissileMatter
  • dormantCyst


Contains all items available

  • water
  • slag
  • oil
  • cryofluid
  • neoplasm
  • arkycite
  • gallium
  • ozone
  • hydrogen
  • nitrogen
  • cyanogen


Contains all units available

  • dagger
  • mace
  • fortress
  • scepter
  • reign
  • nova
  • pulsar
  • quasar
  • vela
  • corvus
  • crawler
  • atrax
  • spiroct
  • arkyid
  • toxopid
  • flare
  • horizon
  • zenith
  • antumbra
  • eclipse
  • mono
  • poly
  • mega
  • quad
  • oct
  • risso
  • minke
  • bryde
  • sei
  • omura
  • retusa
  • oxynoe
  • cyerce
  • aegires
  • navanax
  • alpha
  • beta
  • gamma
  • stell
  • locus
  • precept
  • vanquish
  • conquer
  • merui
  • cleroi
  • anthicus
  • tecta
  • collaris
  • elude
  • avert
  • obviate
  • quell
  • disrupt
  • renale
  • latum
  • evoke
  • incite
  • emanate
  • block
  • manifold
  • assemblyDrone


This namespace contains all symbols that can be used to access properties of entities via the sense command. Although it exists you will more likely use the object property notation

  • totalItems
  • firstItem
  • totalLiquids
  • totalPower
  • itemCapacity
  • liquidCapacity
  • powerCapacity
  • powerNetStored
  • powerNetCapacity
  • powerNetIn
  • powerNetOut
  • ammo
  • ammoCapacity
  • health
  • maxHealth
  • heat
  • efficiency
  • progress
  • timescale
  • rotation
  • x
  • y
  • shootX
  • shootY
  • size
  • dead
  • range
  • shooting
  • boosting
  • mineX
  • mineY
  • mining
  • speed
  • team
  • type
  • flag
  • controlled
  • controller
  • name
  • payloadCount
  • payloadType
  • id
  • enabled
  • config
  • color


Contains the available symbols for blocks.

  • graphitePress
  • multiPress
  • siliconSmelter
  • siliconCrucible
  • kiln
  • plastaniumCompressor
  • phaseWeaver
  • surgeSmelter
  • cryofluidMixer
  • pyratiteMixer
  • blastMixer
  • melter
  • separator
  • disassembler
  • sporePress
  • pulverizer
  • coalCentrifuge
  • incinerator
  • siliconArcFurnace
  • electrolyzer
  • atmosphericConcentrator
  • oxidationChamber
  • electricHeater
  • slagHeater
  • phaseHeater
  • heatRedirector
  • heatRouter
  • slagIncinerator
  • carbideCrucible
  • slagCentrifuge
  • surgeCrucible
  • cyanogenSynthesizer
  • phaseSynthesizer
  • heatReactor
  • copperWall
  • copperWallLarge
  • titaniumWall
  • titaniumWallLarge
  • plastaniumWall
  • plastaniumWallLarge
  • thoriumWall
  • thoriumWallLarge
  • phaseWall
  • phaseWallLarge
  • surgeWall
  • surgeWallLarge
  • door
  • doorLarge
  • scrapWall
  • scrapWallLarge
  • scrapWallHuge
  • scrapWallGigantic
  • thruster
  • berylliumWall
  • berylliumWallLarge
  • tungstenWall
  • tungstenWallLarge
  • blastDoor
  • reinforcedSurgeWall
  • reinforcedSurgeWallLarge
  • carbideWall
  • carbideWallLarge
  • shieldedWall
  • mender
  • mendProjector
  • overdriveProjector
  • overdriveDome
  • forceProjector
  • shockMine
  • radar
  • buildTower
  • regenProjector
  • barrierProjector
  • shockwaveTower
  • shieldProjector
  • largeShieldProjector
  • conveyor
  • titaniumConveyor
  • plastaniumConveyor
  • armoredConveyor
  • junction
  • bridgeConveyor
  • phaseConveyor
  • sorter
  • invertedSorter
  • router
  • distributor
  • overflowGate
  • underflowGate
  • massDriver
  • duct
  • armoredDuct
  • ductRouter
  • overflowDuct
  • underflowDuct
  • ductBridge
  • ductUnloader
  • surgeConveyor
  • surgeRouter
  • unitCargoLoader
  • unitCargoUnloadPoint
  • mechanicalPump
  • rotaryPump
  • impulsePump
  • conduit
  • pulseConduit
  • platedConduit
  • liquidRouter
  • liquidContainer
  • liquidTank
  • liquidJunction
  • bridgeConduit
  • phaseConduit
  • reinforcedPump
  • reinforcedConduit
  • reinforcedLiquidJunction
  • reinforcedBridgeConduit
  • reinforcedLiquidRouter
  • reinforcedLiquidContainer
  • reinforcedLiquidTank
  • powerNode
  • powerNodeLarge
  • surgeTower
  • diode
  • battery
  • batteryLarge
  • combustionGenerator
  • thermalGenerator
  • steamGenerator
  • differentialGenerator
  • rtgGenerator
  • solarPanel
  • solarPanelLarge
  • thoriumReactor
  • impactReactor
  • beamNode
  • beamTower
  • beamLink
  • turbineCondenser
  • chemicalCombustionChamber
  • pyrolysisGenerator
  • fluxReactor
  • neoplasiaReactor
  • mechanicalDrill
  • pneumaticDrill
  • laserDrill
  • blastDrill
  • waterExtractor
  • cultivator
  • oilExtractor
  • ventCondenser
  • cliffCrusher
  • plasmaBore
  • largePlasmaBore
  • impactDrill
  • eruptionDrill
  • coreShard
  • coreFoundation
  • coreNucleus
  • coreBastion
  • coreCitadel
  • coreAcropolis
  • container
  • vault
  • unloader
  • reinforcedContainer
  • reinforcedVault
  • duo
  • scatter
  • scorch
  • hail
  • wave
  • lancer
  • arc
  • parallax
  • swarmer
  • salvo
  • segment
  • tsunami
  • fuse
  • ripple
  • cyclone
  • foreshadow
  • spectre
  • meltdown
  • breach
  • diffuse
  • sublimate
  • titan
  • disperse
  • afflict
  • lustre
  • scathe
  • smite
  • malign
  • groundFactory
  • airFactory
  • navalFactory
  • additiveReconstructor
  • multiplicativeReconstructor
  • exponentialReconstructor
  • tetrativeReconstructor
  • repairPoint
  • repairTurret
  • payloadConveyor
  • payloadRouter
  • reinforcedPayloadConveyor
  • reinforcedPayloadRouter
  • payloadMassDriver
  • largePayloadMassDriver
  • smallDeconstructor
  • deconstructor
  • constructor
  • largeConstructor
  • payloadLoader
  • payloadUnloader
  • powerSource
  • powerVoid
  • itemSource
  • itemVoid
  • liquidSource
  • liquidVoid
  • payloadSource
  • payloadVoid
  • heatSource
  • illuminator
  • launchPad
  • interplanetaryAccelerator
  • message
  • switch
  • microProcessor
  • logicProcessor
  • hyperProcessor
  • memoryCell
  • memoryBank
  • logicDisplay
  • largeLogicDisplay
  • canvas
  • reinforcedMessage
  • worldProcessor
  • worldCell
  • worldMessage
  • solid
  • air
  • spawn
  • cliff
  • deepWater
  • shallowWater
  • taintedWater
  • deepTaintedWater
  • darksandTaintedWater
  • sandWater
  • darksandWater
  • tar
  • pooledCryofluid
  • moltenSlag
  • space
  • empty
  • stone
  • craterStone
  • char
  • basalt
  • hotrock
  • magmarock
  • sandFloor
  • darksand
  • dirt
  • mud
  • dacite
  • rhyolite
  • rhyoliteCrater
  • roughRhyolite
  • regolith
  • yellowStone
  • carbonStone
  • ferricStone
  • ferricCraters
  • beryllicStone
  • crystallineStone
  • crystalFloor
  • yellowStonePlates
  • redStone
  • denseRedStone
  • redIce
  • arkyciteFloor
  • arkyicStone
  • rhyoliteVent
  • carbonVent
  • arkyicVent
  • yellowStoneVent
  • redStoneVent
  • crystallineVent
  • redmat
  • bluemat
  • grass
  • salt
  • snow
  • ice
  • iceSnow
  • shale
  • moss
  • coreZone
  • sporeMoss
  • stoneWall
  • sporeWall
  • dirtWall
  • daciteWall
  • iceWall
  • snowWall
  • duneWall
  • regolithWall
  • yellowStoneWall
  • rhyoliteWall
  • carbonWall
  • ferricStoneWall
  • beryllicStoneWall
  • arkyicWall
  • crystallineStoneWall
  • redIceWall
  • redStoneWall
  • redDiamondWall
  • sandWall
  • saltWall
  • shrubs
  • shaleWall
  • sporePine
  • snowPine
  • pine
  • whiteTreeDead
  • whiteTree
  • sporeCluster
  • redweed
  • purBush
  • yellowcoral
  • boulder
  • snowBoulder
  • shaleBoulder
  • sandBoulder
  • daciteBoulder
  • basaltBoulder
  • carbonBoulder
  • ferricBoulder
  • beryllicBoulder
  • yellowStoneBoulder
  • arkyicBoulder
  • crystalCluster
  • vibrantCrystalCluster
  • crystalBlocks
  • crystalOrbs
  • crystallineBoulder
  • redIceBoulder
  • rhyoliteBoulder
  • redStoneBoulder
  • metalFloor
  • metalFloorDamaged
  • metalFloor2
  • metalFloor3
  • metalFloor4
  • metalFloor5
  • darkPanel1
  • darkPanel2
  • darkPanel3
  • darkPanel4
  • darkPanel5
  • darkPanel6
  • darkMetal
  • pebbles
  • tendrils
  • oreCopper
  • oreLead
  • oreScrap
  • oreCoal
  • oreTitanium
  • oreThorium
  • oreBeryllium
  • oreTungsten
  • oreCrystalThorium
  • oreWallThorium
  • oreWallBeryllium
  • graphiticWall
  • oreWallTungsten
  • build1
  • build2
  • build3
  • build4
  • build5
  • build6
  • build7
  • build8
  • build9
  • build10
  • build11
  • build12
  • build13
  • build14
  • build15
  • build16